
Edgar Allan Poe’s “Ulalume” and Emily Dickinson’s “The Soul Selects Her Own Society”


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Edgar Allan Poe’s “Ulalume” and Emily Dickinson’s “The Soul Selects Her Own Society”

Reading the first two poems, “On Being Brought from Africa to America” by Phillis Wheatley and “The Soul Selects Her Own Society” by Emily Dickinson, both made me not only think but  question the differences between me and the authors.  It made me think about how their society mistreated them. If they were to live in todays’ society would the treatment have been like this.  Also it made me wonder if they could change the way society thinks of them, what actions would they have taken?  I found the language in both poems to be sophisticated yet soothing. The words resonated with me, prompting thoughtful reflection and analysis of their deeper meanings.  Lastly, the thought of the society I live in , and the society the authors from the poems lived in ,  are very different, and after reading these poems I was  put into this realization. 

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