Blog Post 1,  Blog Posts

Blog Post 1

The poem “The Soul Selects Her Own Society” made me think a lot about how important it is to know what I really want in life and to stay true to that. In the poem, the soul knows exactly what it wants. It chooses who to let in and who to keep out. This teaches me that real happiness doesn’t come from what others think of me or from getting attention. Instead, it comes from listening to myself and knowing what really matters to me. The poem also shows that sometimes, I have to say no to things or people that don’t fit with who I am, even if it’s hard. It’s not always easy to ignore outside pressures, but the soul does this with confidence, like closing its „valves of her attention” to everything else. This made me realize how much control I have over my life. I have the power to choose who or what is important to me, and it takes a lot of strength to stay true to those choices, especially when the world around me is pushing me in other directions.


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