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Blog post 6
EX:1 Le Guin uses the stark contrast between the idyllic city of Omelas and the suffering child to explore the ethics of societal happiness and the nature of morality. In the reading it stated, “They feel disgust, which they had thought themselves superior to. They feel anger, outrage, impotence, despite all the explanations. They would like to do something for the child. But there is nothing they can do. If the child were brought up into the sunlight out of that vile place, if it were cleaned and fed and comforted, that would be a good thing, indeed; but if it were done, in that day and hour all the…
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Blog post 5
One example of Toni Morison using ambiguity and the absence of explicit racial markers to explore themes of complexities of race in “Recitatif”, is this quote here, “ We didn’t like each other all that much at first, but nobody else wanted to play with us because we weren’t real orphans with beautiful dead parents in the sky. We were dumped. Even the New York City Puerto Ricans and the upstate Indians ignored us. All kinds of kids were in there, black ones, white ones, even two Koreans.” In context, this quote belongs to the theme of complexities of race due to being excluded by the other races of kids…
Baldwin Blog post-Adam Gamboa
James Baldwin uses the motif of jazz music to explore themes of identity, community, and the power of artistic expression in “Sonny’s Blues” 3 examples: 1st example: “Well, Sonny,” I said gently, “you know people can’t always do exactly what they want to do-““No, I don’t know that,” said Sonny, surprising me. “I think people ought to do what they wantto do, what else are they alive for?”“You getting to be a big boy,” I said desperately, “it’s time you started thinking about yourfuture.”“I’m thinking about my future,” said Sonny, grimly. “I think about it all the time.” The first example Baldwin addresses the motif of jazz music is through…
Hello everyone, my name is Adam Gamboa, I’m from Sunnyside and I’m 19 years old. This is my final semester at LaGuardia College, where I am majoring in business administration. After I graduate, I plan to get my associate’s degree and transfer to a four-year college like Queens College. My interests are in business related topics, fitness, and music. Boxing is my passion, and I’m excited for this semester.