• Blog Post 1

    Blog post 1

    One big idea the poems had me think about was the way the speakers explain what the poem is about without actually saying it. They give us there thoughts while not exposing what the main story is. This forces us, the readers, to dig deeper to find out what they’re really expressing through the mood, tone, imagery, etc.

  • Blog Posts,  Introductions


    Hello my name is Justin Sukhnandan and I’m 18 years old. I’m going to LaGuardia to pursue my future Radiology technician career. I’ve worked as an intern in both the Weill Cornell hospital in Manhattan and Queens Ny Presbyterian hospital where I was given the opportunity to shadow a variety departments throughout the buildings. Throughout that time I’ve realized that I like helping people and making a change in there lives even if it’s just the small things. Although I’m working towards the healthcare field, my other interests are mostly music and cars. My goal is to be able to gain a consistent and steady income of money to be…