Paper 2: The Tempest
The Tempest–Themes and Historical Contexts
Reading Shakespeare’s The Tempest–Preliminary activities
Please complete the following tasks: a. Determine a list of major themes of the play: Use an A.I. tool such as ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Microsoft Edge, or Perplexity and enter the following prompt: Identify major themes of Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Share one of these themes on this Google doc. (Try to list one that is not already on the document. If yours is there already, edit the entry–make it clearer, more specific, add detail.) b. Determine a list of important historical contexts for the play: Use an A.I. tool such as ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Microsoft Edge, or Perplexity and enter the following prompt: What are major historical contexts for Shakespeare’s The…
Path to STEM careers event
We would like to send a gentle reminder for the “Path to STEM careers” event, organized by the STEM Club on Oct 9th, 3:00-4:00pm (on Zoom). Please encourage students to register and participate! QR code for registration is available in the attached flyer or this direct registration link can also be used: https://form.jotform.com/242635995043059 LaGuardia STEM Club’s “Path to STEM Careers”: Event Agenda 3:00-3:05 pm: Welcome (by Club Mentor) 3:05-3:45pm: Presentation on “Apprenticeships and internships in the STEM Field” (by Yacquelin Nava) 3:45-4:00pm: Q&As with the students (by Club Officers) 4:00-4:30pm: Presentation on Medical Technology/Medical Biotechnology careers and the degree programs at SUNY Upstate (by Wendy Meyers and SUNY Upstate faculty) Thanks and best wishes,…
Oct 31: Thriller Flash Mob
LHI Event: “On the Frontlines: Addressing Humanitarian Needs in Gaza and Sudan”,
LaGuardia Humanitarian Initiative invites you and your students on October 8th from 11 am-12:30 pm at E-500 to “On the Frontlines: Addressing Humanitarian Needs in Gaza and Sudan”, a special session with a CARE representative from Washington, DC. Each academic year two students represent LaGuardia at CARE’s Advocacy event on Capitol Hill, made possible through LHI’s ongoing partnership with CARE. Some of the highlights of the event will include: This global issues focused experiential learning event, co-led by LHI and CARE representatives from DC, will create opportunities for students to learn about CARE’s global work and also open up avenues for them to advocate for global issues in both local and global contexts. We look…
Week 3 announcment
Hello All, I’m sorry this letter is getting to you so late in the day. My daughter was home sick, and I had to take her to the doctor. This week we are reading Walt Whitman’s poem “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry.” The subject of this poem is the commuter ferry that ran from Brooklyn to Manhattan in the decades before the Brooklyn Bridge was built–so, a long time ago. Whitman imagines connecting with and identifying with his fellow commuters while simultaneously trying to define and assert himself as an individual. Some see this as a poem about the relationship between the individual and the community; I prefer to see it as…
Paper 1 intro video
Spring Forward Internship
The Spring Forward Internship Program allows undergraduate CUNY students age 18 and over to intern in one of NYC’s cornerstone industries while earning $20 per hour and exploring careers in: Students can apply at https://airtable.com/apptBrrN7tuTQDdsp/pagAdT3SWodwInhJu/form Application deadline: Monday, September 30, by 11:59 PM These internships are designed for CUNY undergrads who have no paid internship experience. Priority is being given to community college applicants. Here’s where you come in! We need your help getting the word out to students and encouraging them to apply. Applications will be read on a rolling basis, so the earlier students apply, the better their chances. Materials to help you promote this opportunity: If there is a standing meeting of your colleagues…
Paper 1 Proposal Assignment
Link to assignment