• Blog Posts

    Prompt: Introduction Blog Post

    Please write a blog post introducing yourself! Tell us what your interests are, what you plan on doing at LaGuardia, and what you’re passionate about. Please also include an image–this could be a picture of you or some image that represents you and/or your interests.

  • Previous semester

    Week V: Announcement

    Hi all,  We are getting to the end of the semester. At this point, you should be caught up on any missing work, and I will catch up on grading this week. You have one more major paper project to complete, and I have updated the syllabus accordingly. Instead of using Kanopy, which still doesn’t seem to be working, we will use Alexander Street, another resource that the Library subscribes to. You have free access to this with your LaGuardia/CUNY credentials, and you can watch this at home. We will be watching asn adaptation of William Shakespeare’s The Tempest. I am asking you to watch a brief introductory video on YouTube…

  • Previous semester

    Prompt for Blog Post #5

    Watch the adaptation of The Tempest listed on the syllabus. Choose a theme listed in the paper #3 prompt, and a scene from the adaptation. Write a short (150-250-word) post that explains how this scene develops your chosen them. (You may include this post in your work on Paper #3)

  • Previous semester

    Week IV: Announcement

    Hi all,  We are into the thick of things: Week 4 and 2-ish more to go.  On the syllabus we are scheduled to turn from fiction to drama and as part of this, I want you to screen a film  adaptation of William Shakespeare’s The Tempest. My idea was that you could do it free of charge by using LaGuardia’s subscription to Kanopy, kind of like the Library’s version of Netflix. This seems not to be working right now.  It has also come to my attention that we are all a little behind. I have graded your first papers and many of you are missing submissions. Some of you are…

  • Previous semester

    Week III: Announcement

    Hi all,  I hope you enjoyed your reading of James Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues”–it’s one of my favorites!  As of today, I have graded all of the blogs (through blog #3). You can find your grades in Blackboard under “My Grades.” If you’re missing anything that should be there, let me know. Also, I will start putting in annotation grades today. And, I will start grading Paper 1 soon. If you have not turned in Paper 1, contact me ASAP. This week we are reading two very different stories: “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” by Ursula K Le Guin and “Recitatif” by Toni Morrison. Le Guin’s is a SciFi…