Prompt: Blog post #3
In “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry” Walt Whitman portrays the daily commute, which we might experience as mundane, to be full of significance. In particular, he sees the ways the individual–the person narrating the poem–can be connected to the mass of strangers who are also engaged with commuting. Does Whitman make a good case for a connection between individual and the masses of commuters? If so, where do you see this in the poem? Or, is he unconvincing? If so, why?
Fall Club Fest
Job Council’s College Apprenticeship Program
Course Schedule
Prompt: Blog Post 1
What is one big idea or question that one or both of the poems on the syllabus this week make you think about? How has the poem shaped your thinking about this big idea or question?
Paper 1
Link to assignment
NYU Community College Opportunity Program
Transfer Engagement Initiative
The Transfer Engagement Initiative (formerly Transfer Council) hopes everyone’s semester is off to a great start! With the semester in full swing, we would like to share (4) upcoming events to share with your students: Transfer Events and Information Sessions: · Wednesday, September 18, 2024 from 3:00 – 4:00 PM (Zoom) · Students must register: https://tinyurl.com/nyucctopfallinfosession2024 · Link to virtual meeting will be in the registration confirmation email · Thursday, October 24, 2024 from 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM (E-Atrium) · There will be 30+ representatives present to share transfer information · If a representative from your department or program would like to also have a table for part or the entire day, please reach out to Josie…
Manifold Reading Group
This is where you can find all of the course reading material Here is the link to the reading group home page: https://cuny.manifoldapp.org/groups/80568098-b051-4668-9b3c-5621264f2637 Here is the invitation link to join the group: https://cuny.manifoldapp.org/my/groups?join=ZNXDIEP2
Welcome Letter
Link to document