Assignments,  Blog Posts

Blog-Post 1

Reading the first two poems, “On Being Brought from Africa to America” by Phillis Wheatley and “The Soul Selects Her Own Society” by Emily Dickinson, both made me think and question: What are the differences between me and the speaker?, What would they do during todays world we live in? Could or would they change their own perspectives if they lived during this year? How did their own society mistreat them? I enjoyed reading both poems in where the speaker implements a small parts of themselves into the poem, creating a connection between the reader and writer. I had always avoided poems during high school, but coming across these poems had shaped my assumptions about poetry in a more positive way. I felt as though the words used in both poems come off to be very complex but very comforting at the same time. Words that spoke to me and brought me to critically think and analyze each poem and their meaning behind.

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