Blog Posts,  Introductions


Hello everyone! My name is Beata, and I’m an accounting major currently working at a bank. I’ve always had a strong interest in numbers and finance, which led me to pursue a career in accounting. My goal at LaGuardia is to sharpen my accounting skills and deepen my understanding of financial analysis and reporting. 

Working at a bank has been a great experience so far, as it allows me to apply what I’m learning in school in real-world scenarios. I’m passionate about helping people manage their finances, and I hope to one day become a certified public accountant (CPA) and work in corporate finance or auditing.

Outside of accounting, I enjoy problem-solving and am always looking for new ways to be more efficient at work and in life. I’m also a big fan of personal finance and love learning about investment strategies and wealth management.

Looking forward to making the most of my time at LaGuardia and connecting with like-minded people!


  • Karen Liang

    Hi Beata, it’s really awesome that you’re already working at a bank while studying accounting! It must feel rewarding to apply what you learn in real life. I’m also interested in finance and love learning about investment strategies and wealth management. Do you have any favorite resources or tips that have helped you so far? I’m also looking to sharpen my financial knowledge, and it’d be great to connect with someone like you who’s already in the field. Good luck with becoming a CPA. I’m sure you’ll get there.

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