Assignments,  Blog Posts

Prompt: Blog Post 1

What is one big idea or question that one or both of the poems on the syllabus this week make you think about? How has the poem shaped your thinking about this big idea or question?


  • Adam J Gamboa

    One big idea these poems got me to think about was the way imagery shows emotion and suffering. My way of thinking has been changed by the poems since I’ve realized I must go into deeper thinking into the imagery to fully understand what the speaker is saying and expressing.

  • Myosotis Oxios-Laureano (She/Her)

    One big idea that the poem “Ulalume” by Edgar Allan Poe had me thinking about was the concept of loving someone such much even after they are gone. It got me to think and wonder if it made him go mad or delusional because of the pain he expressed in the poem from the passing of the person he once loved.

  • Ping Wang (she/her)

    Expressing emotions or personal choices can be done with borrowed objects, or scenes. Poe’s poem Ulalume borrows many descriptions of scenery and objects to express the author’s inner sadness and despair, and the reader can feel the author’s state of mind and emotions at that time through these words. To understand the depth of the poem, we need to understand the period the narrator is in and his/her background.

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