Week 6 “The Tempest”
In Act III of “The Tempest,” the ideas of being a servant and wanting freedom are shown through Ariel and Caliban. Ariel, a spirit who works for Prospero, does his tasks well because he hopes to be free someday. He listens and acts quickly because he knows freedom might come if he keeps doing what he’s told. Ariel’s story shows that even tough situations can be handled if there’s hope for freedom later.
Caliban’s story is different. He was forced to serve Prospero after first being friendly to him. Unlike Ariel, Caliban is angry and upset about losing his freedom. He believes the island should be his and sees Prospero’s rule as unfair. This anger makes him want to fight back, so he plans with Stephano and Trinculo to remove Prospero.
Through Ariel and Caliban, Shakespeare explores how people react differently to being controlled. Ariel’s hope for freedom makes him follow rules, while Caliban’s anger drives him to seek liberation on his own terms. This shows the strong human desire to be independent and control their own lives.

One Comment
I agree with you on this analysis. Caliban was taken advantage off unlike Ariel who acted out of wil.