Previous semester

Week V: Announcement

Hi all, 

We are getting to the end of the semester. At this point, you should be caught up on any missing work, and I will catch up on grading this week.

You have one more major paper project to complete, and I have updated the syllabus accordingly. Instead of using Kanopy, which still doesn’t seem to be working, we will use Alexander Street, another resource that the Library subscribes to. You have free access to this with your LaGuardia/CUNY credentials, and you can watch this at home. We will be watching asn adaptation of William Shakespeare’s The Tempest. I am asking you to watch a brief introductory video on YouTube and then the adaptation itself. Your last paper will be an examination of this adaptation. I have updated the links in the syllabus and included them below. Please let me know if you have any difficulties, technical or otherwise. 

  • Complete the following by Sunday, 02/11
    • Watch
      • The Tempest
        • Watch this brief introduction to The Tempest by William Shakespeare
        • Watch The Tempest (directed by Barry Avrich) (You can access this film through LaGuardia’s subscription to Alexander Street. Go to the list of databases  LaGuardia subscribes to and search for “Alexander Street.” You will need your LaGuardia credentials to access this resource.)

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